I’m at a place in my healing journey where I have paused for a moment to look back at the progress I’ve made. When we are living in the present, we sometimes lose track of where we started.
This year I have stepped out in a really bold way. Stepping into my authentic self, standing in my power and accepting my role in this spiritual community. I’ve taken that leap and have shown the Facebook community my authentic self. I’ve gone bold and updated my LinkedIn profile to add my holistic healing arts.
Moving beyond staying in the box society feels comfortable with has been a challenge, and it has been so freeing. I’ve gone from wondering what people will think and transitioned to a place where it doesn’t matter what people think. I know I will attract in the people who vibrate at the same level.
Recovering from a brain injury has only been part of the healing work I have done. I’ve worked to heal my mind, body, and soul. We must remember this is not a check the box kind of healing. It is making a commitment to continually choose a pathway that provides healing for my highest self. One that places me on a pathway to help others heal themselves, and raises the collective.
I was recently asked to be interviewed by Mystic Mag! if you’re interested in hearing a little bit more about me and holistic healing, then I’d love for you to connect to their site to read this article.
May blessings come to each and every one of you, and may you be open to receiving them.
Sara- Sacred Oaks Healing